Lydia's Story

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When I first started working with Abi five years ago, I had very little confidence - either in the gym or in life in general. I wanted to lose weight and to feel fitter, and had been trying for years on my own but never saw a difference. Making the decision to work with Abi was a big step for me.

From our first meeting, Abi just completely got me - she made me feel instantly comfortable. The relationship she builds with clients is very special.

My relationship with my body has changed hugely since working with Abi. I can’t thank her enough for the confidence she has given me. Today, I am so much happier and more confident in myself, as well as being better educated about exercise, nutrition and fitness in general. 

 In five years I can’t think of one session I haven't wanted to turn up to. I never thought I’d be able to walk into a gym and pick up weights without thinking the whole gym was looking at me but now, I couldn’t care less. I do it for myself and I know it makes me feel good.

Rebecca Freestone